To view your school site's SARCs: select your school's name, language preference, and school year.
Para ver el SARC de su escuela: seleccione el nombre de su escuela, la preferencia de idioma y el año escolar.
- James A. Forrest Elementary School 2023-2024
- John L. Prueitt Elementary School 2023-2024
- Karl F. Clemens Elementary School 2023-2024
- Palm Avenue Middle School 2023-2024
- Teresa Burke Elementary School 2023-2024
- Thomas Jefferson Middle School 2023-2024
- Karl_F._Clemens_Elementary_School_2023-2024_Español
- Palm_Avenue_Middle_School_2023-2024_Español
- Teresa_Burke_Elementary_School_2023-2024_Español
- Thomas_Jefferson_Middle_School_2023-2024_Español
- James_A._Forrest_Elementary_School_2023-2024_Español
- John_L._Prueitt_Elementary_School_2023-2024_Español
- James_A._Forrest_Elementary_School_2022-2023
- James_A._Forrest_Elementary_School_2022-2023 Español
- John_L._Prueitt_Elementary_School_2022-2023
- John_L._Prueitt_Elementary_School_2022-2023 Español
- Karl_F._Clemens_Elementary_School_2022-2023
- Karl_F._Clemens_Elementary_School_2022-2023 Español
- Palm_Avenue_Middle_School_2022-2023
- Palm_Avenue_Middle_School_2022-2023 Español
- Teresa_Burke_Elementary_School_2022-2023
- Teresa_Burke_Elementary_School_2022-2023 Español
- Thomas_Jefferson_Middle_School_2022-2023
- Thomas_Jefferson_Middle_School_2022-2023 Español
- John_L._Prueitt_Elementary_School_2021-2022
- John L. Prueitt Elementary School 2021-2022_Español
- Karl F. Clemens_Elementary_School_2021-2022
- Karl F. Clemens Elementary School 2021-2022_Español
- Teresa_Burke_Elementary_School_2021-2022
- Teresa_Burke_Elementary_School_2021-2022_Español
- James_A._Forrest_Elementary_School_2021-2022
- James A. Forrest_Elementary School 2021-2022_Español
- Thomas_Jefferson_Middle_School_2021-2022
- Thomas Jefferson Middle School 2021-2022_Español
- Palm_Avenue_Middle_School_2021-2022
- Palm Avenue Middle School 2021-2022_Español
- John_L._Prueitt_Elementary_School_2020-2021
- John_L._Prueitt_Elementary_School_2020-2021_Español
- Karl F. Clemens_Elementary_School_2020-2021
- Karl F. Clemens_Elementary_School_2020-2021_Español
- Teresa_Burke_Elementary_School_2020-2021
- James_A._Forrest_Elementary_School_2020-2021
- James_A._Forrest_Elementary_School_2020-2021_Español
- Thomas_Jefferson_Middle_School_2020-2021
- Thomas_Jefferson_Middle_School_2020-2021_Español
- Palm_Avenue_Middle_School_2020-2021
- Palm_Avenue_Middle_School_2020-2021_Español
- Wasco Union Elementary School District 2020-2021_Español
- John_L._Prueitt_Elementary_School_2019-2020_Español
- John_L._Prueitt_Elementary_School_2019-2020
- Karl F. Clemens_Elementary_School_2019-2020
- Karl F. Clemens_Elementary_School_2019-2020_Español
- Teresa_Burke_Elementary_School_2019-2020
- Teresa_Burke_Elementary_School_2019-2020_Español
- James_A._Forrest_Elementary_School_2019-2020
- James_A._Forrest_Elementary_School_2019-2020_Español
- Thomas_Jefferson_Middle_School_2019-2020
- Thomas_Jefferson_Middle_School_2019-2020_Español
- Palm_Avenue_Middle_School_2019-2020
- Palm_Avenue_Middle_School_2019-2020_Español
- John_L._Prueitt_Elementary_School_2018-2019
- John L. Prueitt Elementary School 2018-2019_Español
- Karl F. Clemens_Elementary_School_2018-2019
- Karl F. Clemens Elementary School_2018-2019_Español
- Teresa_Burke_Elementary_School_2018-2019
- Teresa Burke Elementary School 2018-2019_Español
- Thomas_Jefferson_Middle_School_2018-2019
- Thomas Jefferson Middle School 2018-2019_Español
- Palm_Avenue_Middle_School_2018-2019
- Palm Avenue Middle School 2018-2019_Español
- James_A._Forrest_Elementary_School_2018-2019
- Karl_F._Clemens_Elementary_School 2017-2018_Español
- Palm_Avenue_Elementary_School 2017-2018_Español
- Palm_Avenue_Elementary_School_2017-2018
- Teresa_Burke_Elementary_School_2017-2018
- Teresa_Burke_Elementary_School_2017-2018_Español
- Thomas_Jefferson_Middle_School 2017-2018_Español
- Thomas_Jefferson_Middle_School_2017-2018
- John_L._Prueitt_Elementary_School 2017-2018_Español
- John_L._Prueitt_Elementary_School_2017-2018
- Karl F. Clemens_Elementary_School_2017-2018
- John L. Prueitt Elementary School 2016-2017
- John L. Prueitt Elementary School 2016-2017_Español
- Karl F. Clemens Elementary School 2016-2017
- Karl F. Clemens Elementary School 2016-2017_Español
- Palm Avenue Elementary School 2016-2017
- Palm Avenue Elementary School 2016-2017_Español
- Teresa Burke Elementary School 2016-2017
- Teresa Burke Elementary School 2016-2017_Español
- Thomas Jefferson Middle School 2016-2017
- Thomas Jefferson Middle School 2016-2017_Español
- John L. Prueitt Elementary School 2015-2016
- John L. Prueitt Elementary School 2015-2016_Español
- Karl F. Clemens Elementary School 2015-2016
- Karl F. Clemens Elementary School 2015-2016_Español
- Teresa Burke Elementary School 2015-2016
- Teresa Burke Elementary School 2015-2016_Español
- Palm Avenue Elementary School 2015-2016
- Palm Avenue Elementary School 2015-2016_Español
- Thomas Jefferson Middle School 2015-2016
- Thomas Jefferson Middle School 2015-2016_Español
- John L. Prueitt Elementary School 2014-2015
- John L Prueitt Elementary School 2014-2015_Español
- Karl F. Clemens Elementary School 2014-2015
- Karl F. Clemens Elementary School 2014-2015_Español
- Teresa Burke Elementary School 2014-2015
- Teresa Burke Elementary School 2014-2015_Español
- Palm Avenue Elementary School 2014-2015
- Palm Avenue Elementary School 2014-2015_Español
- Thomas Jefferson Middle School 2014-2015
- Thomas Jefferson Middle School 2014-2015_Español
- John L. Prueitt Elementary School 2013-2014
- John L. Prueitt Elementary School 2013-2014_Español
- Karl F. Clemens Elementary School 2013-2014
- Karl F. Clemens Elementary School 2013-2014_Español
- Teresa Burke Elementary School 2013-2014
- Teresa Burke Elementary School 2013-2014_Español
- Palm Avenue Middle School 2013-2014 pdf
- Palm Avenue Middle School 2013-2014_Español
- Thomas Jefferson Middle School 2013-2014
- Thomas Jefferson Middle School 2013-2014_Español
- John L. Prueitt Elementary School 2012-2013
- John L. Prueitt Elementary School 2012-2013_Español
- Karl F. Clemens Elementary School 2012-2013
- Karl F. Clemens Elementary School 2012-2013_Español
- Teresa Burke Elementary School 2012-2013
- Teresa Burke Elementary School 2012-2013_Español
- Palm Avenue Elementary School 2012-2013
- Palm Avenue Elementary School 2012-2013_Español
- Thomas Jefferson Middle School 2012-2013
- Thomas Jefferson Middle School 2012-2013_Español
- John L. Prueitt Elementary School 2011-2012
- John L. Prueitt Elementary School 2011-2012_Español
- Karl F. Clemens Elementary School 2011-2012
- Karl F. Clemens Elementary School 2011-2012_Español
- Teresa Burke Elementary School 2011-2012
- Teresa Burke Elementary School 2011-2012_Español
- Palm Avenue Elementary School 2011-2012
- Palm Avenue Elementary School 2011-2012_Español
- Thomas Jefferson Middle School 2011-2012
- Thomas Jefferson Middle School 2011-2012_Español
- John L. Prueitt Elementary School 2010-2011
- John L. Prueitt Elementary School 2010-2011_Español
- Karl F. Clemens Elementary School 2010-2011
- Karl F. Clemens Elementary School 2010-2011_Español
- Teresa Burke Elementary School 2010-2011
- Teresa Burke Elementary School 2010-2011_Español
- Palm Avenue Elementary School 2010-2011
- Palm Avenue Elementary School 2010-2011_Español
- Thomas Jefferson Middle School 2010-2011
- Thomas Jefferson Middle School 2010-2011_Español
- John L. Prueitt Elementary School 2009-2010
- John L. Prueitt Elementary School 2009-2010_Español
- Karl F. Clemens Elementary School 2009-2010
- Karl F. Clemens Elementary School 2009-2010_Español
- Teresa Burke Elementary School 2009-2010
- Teresa Burke Elementary School 2009-2010_Español
- Palm Avenue Elementary School 2009-2010
- Palm Avenue Elementary School 2009-2010_Español
- Thomas Jefferson Middle School 2009-2010
- Thomas Jefferson Middle School 2009-2010_Español