Registration & Enrollment
Our teachers, administrators, and support staff are committed to academic excellence and quality service for our families. As such, we hope to make the enrollment process as quick and convenient as possible.
To enroll, follow the steps outlined below and you’ll be on your way to a successful school experience.
Transitional Kindergarten Students must turn 5 between September 2, 2024, and June 2, 2025.
Kindergarten Students must be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2024, to be eligible.
Families who wish to enroll their child in Transitional Kindergarten or Kindergarten must complete the online enrollment process via Aeries Online Enrollment. CLICK HERE to Begin Aeries Online Enrollment
Required Documents for Enrollment:
- Proof of Age: Certified copy of birth record, statement by the local registrar or county recorder certifying the date of birth, baptism certificate, passport, or an affidavit of birth.
- Proof of Residency: Property tax payment receipts, rental property contract, lease or payment receipts, utility service contract, statements, or payment receipts, pay stubs, voter registration, correspondence from a government agency, or address verification affidavit.
- Immunization Records
- Proof of Report of Health Examination For School Entry (The health examination report must include TB Risk Assessment and Test, if indicated.)
- Proof of Oral Health Assessment Form
- Additional Enrollment Information: If your child is currently receiving special education services, please provide a copy of his/her most current IEP at the time of enrollment. If you have custody or restraining order information that the school should be aware of, please provide current documentation of any court orders regarding your child’s custody or education rights.
Enrollment Forms & Resources:
- Report of Health Examination For School Entry
- Health Requirements Kindergarten/First Grade School Entry (English)
- Health Requirements Kindergarten/First Grade School Entry (Español)
- Oral Health Assessment Form
- Denti-Cal-Providers-Outlying-Communities
- Denti-Cal-Providers-Bakersfield
- TB Risk Assessment Form
- Required Immunizations for School Entry (English)
- Required Immunizations for School Entry (Spanish)
- Medical Exemptions
- Children’s Mobile Immunization Program
- CHDP Provider Brochure- Bakersfield
- CHDP Provider Brochure- Kern County
- You Can Enroll in School! - Resources for Homeless Children and Youth
For Questions & Concerns
John L. Prueitt Elementary | 661.758.7180
Karl F. Clemens Elementary | 661.758.7120
Teresa Burke Elementary | 661.758.7480
James A. Forrest Elementary | 661.758.7490
Thomas Jefferson Middle | 661.758.7140
Palm Avenue Middle | 661.758.7130
District Office | 661.758.7100