LCAP & Compliance
Wasco Union Elementary School District’s Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) is the compilation of the ideas, concerns, and aspirations of the stakeholders of our community to provide the best educational experience possible for the children in our community.
LCFF funding allows the Wasco community, its parents, teachers, and students, to voice their opinions on how the district can best use the instructional dollars provided through State educational funding.
The district and the WUESD Board of Trustees have worked together to identify areas of greatest need and interest and fund various educational experiences and support systems for all students. The district has taken a special interest in ensuring that students with special circumstances are not overlooked and that all children are viewed as having individual needs that require specific support. Wasco Union Elementary School District is proud to present the Local Control Accountability Plan to the community and is confident that improved instruction and services to children will result.