Academic Support
Welcome to our Academic Student Resource Page! On this website, you will find resources you can use from home to support you with distance learning. Please remember that you can also reach out to us for academic support by completing a "Counselor Request Form" located on the "School Counselors" contact page.
National Geographic for Kids
Science videos, games, and explorations for kids
Day-by-day projects to keep you learning, thinking, and growing
American Museum of National History
A science website for kids from the American Museum of Natural History
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)Online STEAM activities, learning, resources, and games based on NASA missions and research.
Khan AcademyUse Khan Academy to help you with all subjects. They have practice lessons to support the content your teacher is currently going over.
Enchanted LearningEnchanted Learning contains educational websites, which are designed to capture the imagination while maximizing creativity, learning, and enjoyment.
Britannica School MiddleBritannica School Middle is filled with many resources on various levels that include articles, biographies, videos and so much more to help you explore the world from the convenience of your home computer.